How did people store food before fridges? What did people use for weapons, or to get around without cars? Before all of these modern inventions we have now, how did people make it work?
Most of us can’t imagine our lives without the use of modern technology.
Before all of these fancy things, Māori had many inventions they used to get by before the use of modern technology. We have been researching different items that were invented and used in pre-European times.
Rongoā is Maori medicine, Rongoā is often made with New Zealand native plants, Rongoā was used to heal injured warriors as well as it was used every day before Europeans came to New Zealand.
A waka is a water vehicle used by the native Māori people of Aotearoa in pre European times. It was used just as often as we use cars but the waka itself is more like a canoe.
Did you know that the Maori tattoo tool was made out of wood and bird bones? The ink is made out of gunpowder and burnt wood.
Back in the day before Europeans came to New Zealand patu were a popular weapon that the Māori used. Not many people use the patu anymore as we have guns and many other weapons instead. Now, patu are often given as a gift to people.
The Tewhatewha is a weapon used by the Maori for fighting. It was long handled shaped like an axe. It comes to a mata (point) at one end and a rapa (broad, quarter-round head) at the other. It was held in two hands.
What is a tawiri? A tawiri is a flax bag with two wooden handles that you twist to get the juice out of berries. Māori used a tawiri to make titoki berries into an oil. The oil was used for medicinal purposes.
Students in Room 7 have been recreating these items in the form of a model to give a visual display for the Te Mihi celebration of learning. We have a range of items being made like waka, whare, pātaka, poi toa, rongoā.
Looking back is encouraging students to think about the tools we use now and how we could replace them with more natural, environmentally friendly materials.
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