From this activity it was clear the class needed to learn what made a pattern a pattern and how to create them in different ways.
Together we looked at the idea that every pattern has a rule that repeats itself over and over in a sequence. The rule to a pattern is made up of one or more attributes, like shape and colour. As a class we brainstormed other attributes and this is what some students had to say:
I challenged them to create their own pattern and identify the pattern’s rule. To do this they had to place a pencil at the end of their rule to show which section of their pattern repeated itself. Some students were able to include 2-3 attributes in their patterns. Here are some of the patterns that were created.
Room 11 learnt about how patterns can grow bigger or smaller based on a rule. We looked at examples of growing patterns and students had to identify the rule that allowed them to do this. Students had to create their own growing patterns and explain the rule it followed. Here are some of their examples.
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