We have been learning about ‘Time’ in our class and created a ‘Time Story’ by drawing pictures of the 5 main activities we do during the day. The students described their events to me and I wrote down what they said under their pictures. We joined the strip of paper together to make a continuous story.
This showed that we usually do the same thing, especially on a school day.
and this following activity shows how we sequence events within a day. We used language like, ‘First,’ ‘Second I,’ Then I,’ ‘Next I,’ ‘Lastly I’ and ‘Finally I.’
What does your day look like Boyd? “First I watch ‘Unspeakable’ on TV. Then I eat my breakfast. Then I go to school. Then mum picks me up from school. And lucky last, I eat my dinner.”
Gosh, no wonder you sleep well at night Boyd. What a busy day.
What do you fit in, in a day Ella? “First I watch Harlow and Popcorn. Then I eat my breakfast. Then I go to school. Then I read my book at home. Last, I eat my dinner.”
What does your day entail William? “First I watch TV. Second, I get dressed. Then I go to school in mum’s car. Then I read my book. Then I read my book with my dad. The last thing I do is go to bed.”
What do you do on a school day Lillie? “I get up and give mum and dad a cuddle. Then I eat my breakfast. Then I go to school on the bus. Then I eat my dinner with my brother Oscar. Last, I brush my teeth.”
What things do you do during a school day Kaleb? “The first thing I do is I pack my lunchbox. The second thing I do is eat rice bubbles for breakfast. The next thing I do is go in my nan’s car to school. Then I eat dinner with mum and dad and nana. The last thing I do is, I hop in the bath.”
This was an engaging activity for the students and it was very interesting to hear about each other’s day. They did a great job illustrating their sequencing templates.
Keywords: time, sequencing, school
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