Multiple Exposures

See it, try it, practise, practise, practise… know it 

Multiple Exposures in Literacy.

“Multiple exposures provide students with multiple opportunities to encounter, engage with, and elaborate on new knowledge and skills. Research demonstrates deep learning develops over time via multiple, spaced interactions with new knowledge and concepts.” Link


It takes ‘three or four experiences involving interaction with relevant information for a new knowledge construct to be created in working memory and then transferred to long-term memory’ (Nuthall, 2000, p.93).

One of Wairakei Primary School’s HITS (High Intensity Teaching Strategies) for our 2021 Literacy Learning is a focus on multiple exposures.

This  involves seeing information over and over in different ways to help remember relevant information and gain new knowledge.



Some of the ways we have used multiple exposures in the school inquiry “Our Place’  are:

  • Finding and labelling parts of volcanoes.

  • Defining what the parts of the volcanoes do.

  • Using the internet to find definitions and explain them to another student.

  • Reading about volcanoes on devices - using Epic and on the internet.

  • Linked reading and activities from school journals.

  • Sequencing and explaining the order of pictures of a volcanic eruption.

  • Creating 3D models and labelling them.

  • Completing challenges using Seesaw activities. 

Student knowledge and understanding of volcanoes has greatly increased through shared vocabulary in multiple exposures to a variety of activities around this topic. 




I liked being able to work through all the different activities when I wanted to. I really enjoyed the 3D volcano activity  because it was art, and we had to know the parts. Juno

When you do lots of activities that practise the words, your brain gets going, so you can learn and remember. Carys

We have practised the words lots in different ways, and it helps to get them to stick in our minds. Danika


Multiple Exposures, ALL, vocabulary, experiences, literacy, inquiry, new knowledge.

Attributed to Wairakei Primary School, Carla Ross - Literacy Leader and teacher Room 1

jC WPS2023 Ross

Carla Ross

I am passionate about our students, teaching and learning, particularly in the areas of literacy, digital technology, physical education, and the Arts. I believe that forming positive relationships with students and whānau are at the heart of success for everyone.

I enjoy Wairakei Primary School for the whānaungatanga and maanaakitanga where close connections between staff, students, and the wider Wairakei community are fostered and enjoyed.

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