All teaching teams are introducing games during sports rotations, so that students can experience and have access to a wide variety of games. The games are inclusive and not necessarily directly linked to specific sports such as rugby, t-ball or netball.
This means the lessons are foucssed on being learner centered, movement driven and connected to other learning areas of the curriculum.
The games are easy to teach and the students love them. I used a few of them during the Year 5 camp experience and they were great as a way of teaching cooperation and collaboration. The students really embraced the idea that the group can't succeed if any one person isn't on board.
I found it an amazing resource for cooperation skills and played ‘Clock Dribble’.
I modified it to suit my younger students. I took the hoops away, as they kept playing with them, which worked really well.
I started with groups of 4 with one ball. 3 bounces and then pass to the person on the left. We changed direction then used only one bounce. I joined 2x groups of 4 together and then the whole class where I added more balls.
We did not do a ball per person as this would have been too hard but the introduction of more balls kept the students on their toes concentrating as a team.
It was great fun.
Using Movewell games as the basis for our daily fitness has brought an element of friendly competition to our class. It has also supported learners to make sure they include each other, play for fun, and let others win the battle at times. Team tactics are important. Equally important are the experiences of the team and putting others before yourself sometimes. The lesson plans are very clear and the focus for each game can be discussed before play. We use our Tokarewa reward system to give compliments to those following the rules, and to those actively showing POWER and sportsmanship.
Physical education is not just about physical skills and this awesome resource is great for teaching the other areas needed for success and engagement. Students learn about challenging themselves and adapting what they do to achieve their goal. They also learn about the importance of cooperation and the necessity of working with peers to reach a shared goal. The games are inclusive with no elimination of players. It is easy to adapt the games to suit the needs and abilities of the students.
Having the questions there to prompt teachers helps in guiding learning and having thought provoking questions to ask students to reflect on after playing.
I really enjoy using the different types of games in the resource and have found that students are engaged and enthusiastic to join in PE sessions.
It’s great that there are visuals included on each page. I like that there are extension options, there is a good variety of activities and the Learning Intentions are there as well. Great that the games are fun and incorporate the skills you have taught. Students have enjoyed the team-building games that we did as a team.
Very user friendly and all in one place in the book.
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