Multiplying our Success

Room 5, students  have been exploring multiplication and division. Students used

skip counting using pegs, and then using their hands to make sets. By counting in multiples of 2, 5, and 10, students recognised multiplication sequences. This laid the foundation for understanding multiplication.

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Liam skip counting

Skip counting has been a breeze for me, and it has made learning multiplication so much easier and enjoyable.

To reinforce  the concept of division, students equally shared fruit amongst classmates.

When we shared fruit, I learned how to divide things equally, and it made understanding division much easier for me.


An array is a way of using objects to represent a concept. Arrays are useful tools to teach multiplication.

Creating arrays was a bit challenging at first. Once I got the hang of it, it became a helpful tool for learning  my times tables.

Students expanding their understanding of arrays by using materials of teddy bears and chairs. This visual representation showed how multiplication can be thought of as repeated addition and how the arrangement of objects in rows and columns relates to multiplication.

To reinforce students' understanding of multiplication, I introduced times tables and encouraged the students to form groups based on these facts. This activity strengthened student  understanding of multiplication and made it easier to tackle division problems.

Creating groups to solve my 2, 5, and 10 times tables was really enjoyable because it helped me see patterns and make connections between numbers.

To develop division skills,  the concept of sharing into equal groups required unpacking.

Sharing things into groups to solve division problems was a cool way to understand how numbers can be split equally.

I shared 6 teddies between 2  people. Knowing that division is sharing between a number of groups has made it easy.

One important realisation was knowing multiplication facts made solving division problems much easier. Room 5 discovered that multiplication and division are closely related and form a "family of facts." Understanding this connection boosted class confidence in tackling both multiplication and division questions.

When I learned about the "family of facts," it made me realize that division is like the opposite of multiplication, and it showed me how multiplication and division are connected.

Throughout the learning journey, we focused on mastering multiplication and division for the numbers 2, 5, and 10. These foundational times tables provide a solid base for future mathematical skills.

2024 Chauval

Angel Chauval

Wairakei Primary school has a wonderful rural environment and an amazing community. I enjoy working with this community to help students rise to succeed. Learning happens everywhere and is different for every child, celebrating and challenging students is my drive as a teacher.

I strive to encourage every student to achieve to the best of their ability. My passions are Technology and Science. I use them as foundations in unlocking excitement and wonder to produce thinkers and creators.

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