What we did
Students worked through a variety of activities to practice sorting shapes by size and by their attributes. We used a variety of materials including blocks, mosaic tiles and attribute blocks. Some questions I asked to help them to sort the shapes included;
- Do you see any ways that these blocks are alike?
- How are they alike?
- Can you see any blocks that are different?
- How are they different?
As a class, we discussed how we had made our decisions. We counted how many were in each hoop, so we could practise our counting at the same time as learning about shapes.
I am fast at sorting shapes. I told Hupa that one was not a triangle because one side was curved.
I Spy
The game I spy helped the students focus on the shapes around them and the number of sides the shapes have. For example, I spy a shape with four sides. I spy a shape with three sides. Asking students questions about what they notice about the shapes they found and which ones they found more of, helps them to build an understanding that shapes are all around us and used in a variety of ways in our everyday lives.
Using the feelie bag is a real favourite
Students reach into feelie bags to see if they can work out the shape by touch alone. This helps students to visualize and describe the shape's attributes without seeing them. Once this activity has been practised a few times as a whole class, students can play it with a small group or with a buddy. It also encourages students to be specific when describing the shape. For example, I can feel four sides. They are the same length. It is a square.
I like to see if they can guess the shape in the feelie bag.
This allows students to explore shapes and match side lengths as they form a trail of shapes. They match shape sides that are the same length to make a trail around the mat. As for the other activities, questions help students to think about how they can place the tiles. For example,
- Are there other ways that you could place that tile?
- Are there any ways that tile wouldn’t work?
- What can you tell me about the shape you have chosen to go next?
- Why did you choose that shape?
I can make fun trails with shapes.
Designs from Mosaic Shapes
Mosaic shapes are used to create geometric designs. Students used design cards to make up their own designs using the mosaic shapes. They then discussed with a partner what shapes were used in their design.
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