As a class, Room 4 discussed how people use a calendar. They use it for many different reasons. At school, we use it to show what we have happening each week, and it keeps all the teachers organised for future events that are happening. It helps the parents keep track of the afterschool event and when they need to come to school to see the learning in action.
Using the information provided in the Data Dilemma booklet from the Figure It Out series, the students had to problem solve what date would be best to run a school gala for Te Rata School.
The groups had to sort through a process of working out and eliminating the dates that people could not do, then decide on the date that would best suit most people and give a reason why. Much like when the teacher plans a school event.
After a group discussion and peers challenging each other's thinking, the group came to the conclusion that they wanted the gala to be busy. Filled with action. They thought people going to the parade could come to the gala first if the timing was right.
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