Before the races I felt like my heart was in my throat. Once the race started though, I just focused on overtaking people.
I was nervous in my first race because it was my first time diving off blocks. I felt better in my second race. After that I felt like I wanted to do more races.
I felt nervous about backstroke but when I got in I was fine. I was proud of myself for coming second in my group
I came first for both my races and just wanted to do more.
Well done to all the students that competed. You made us proud with your efforts and bravery. Below is a list of results to show top 3 place getters for Wairakei Primary School against other students across the Taupo region.
Wairakei Primary School would also like to say a special thank you to the parents who helped with transportation and supervision at the event. Your time and support is greatly appreciated.
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